VTR-MbtTiles Test

The VTR-MbtTiles Test dataset is stored as cached map tiles. These map tiles are stored in an XYZ format (actually ZXY, or level / column / row).


If you are developing in OpenLayers, you will want to use the OpenLayers XYZ class. An example of your solution might look similar to the code below.

layer = new OpenLayers.Layer.XYZ( "VTR-MbtTiles Test",
        sphericalMercator: true,
        isBaseLayer: false


If you are developing with Leaflet, you will want to use the Leaflet TileLayer class. An example of your solution might look similar to the code below.

layer = new L.TileLayer(
        minZoom: 1,
        maxZoom: 12


If your development environment includes the javascript ArcGIS API, your application can consume the data using the WebTiledLayer class. An example of this can be found in the ArcGIS API for JavaScript documentation. An example similar to the one given in the documentation, but with the URL replaced, would be as follows

var wtl = esri.layers.WebTiledLayer;
var layer = new wtl("http://portal.midatlanticocean.org/tessellator/tiles/VTR_Test/${level}/${col}/${row}.png ", {
    "id": "VTR-MbtTiles Test"

ArcGIS Resources offers a sample page that lets you experiment with tiled/cached map services. By selecting Custom Web Tiled Layer (at the top), removing the subdomains entry, and replacing the URL template with the following link you can see the map display the VTR-MbtTiles Test dataset.
