Journal Highlights Portal’s Ocean Planning Impacts
How did the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Portal come to be and how is it being used for marine spatial planning? Find out in this article published Aug. 8 in the journal Frontiers in Marine Science.

The article, “The Role of Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal in Supporting Ocean Planning,” was prepared by members of the Portal project team. The lead author was Richard Lathrop of Rutgers University’s Center for Remote Sensing & Spatial Analysis (CRSSA). Secondary authors were Chris Bruce, Gwynn Chricton and Jay Odell of The Nature Conservancy; Tony MacDonald and Karl Vilacoba of Monmouth University’s Urban Coast Institute; Matt Campo and Jeanne Herb of Rutgers University’s Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning & Policy; John Bognar and Jim Trimble of CRSSA; and Drew Seminara of Ecotrust.
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